Did you know there was that many options on the dark web? What surprised you the most?
Human meat, I didn't know that was something on there. It's very disturbing to even think of how depraved someone is to do that.
From a previous job I did I had learnt a lot about the "Dark Web" and how to get on it etc, but I worked in a computer repair place in the UK. The most shocking thing for me from the video is the stuff about Children.
Either the human meat or the satanic things
Where can I see the video?
Sample dark web sites
Growing up very near to Detroit in the 60's and 70's taught me a lot about the dark side of human nature, Mobsters, street gangs, drugs etc. I would say the most shocking thing to me is that the evil in the world now have a way to communicate much more freely, that in itself is hugely concerning.