Has anyone else dealt with a job offer scam? My 20yr old Autictic daughter just fell victim to a scam that was an online data entry job scam. Had her deposit a check they sent her to cover "expenses" and then go to another web site and order equipment. Thry even had her send cash for part of it. She lost over $6,000. I cant believe she fell for it but she didn't discuss it with me. Since she had a disability she tries to be as independent as possible. She was desperate for a new job and saving for school. Now everything is gone! These people are down right evil! She is devastated and im afraid for her mental health.
So sorry to hear that Heidi, it is a dark world out there. Below is a link to go to when you have been scammed. Prayers for you and your daughter.
If you were scammed, please read the online consumer advice by the Federal Trade Commission at this link: https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/what-do-if-you-were-scammed