So I started watching Scammer Payback. They hit you guys up to do a confrontation with somebody which then led me to find the child predator sting on your channel which then led me to Elizxbeth. I was thinking that since you’re already friends with Scammer Payback and Jim browning you guys get them on trilogy plus if possible everybody stuffs being demonetized anyway and it seems like you guys are gonna be the only place to go for people that like watching on their TV there is no Patreon app that I can find and that’s where I enjoy seeing this content since I cut cable years ago and I am actively a plus user now and I love your content and I agree with most everything you guys have done I think you guys are doing a bang up job just food for thought. If you guys could work out something with elizxbeth, scammer payback and Jen Browning and get their stuff on Trilogy plus that would be a huge win for everybody and get more of Courtney Elizabeth stuff on there too as you know time moves on.
Sorry, youI already have Courtney Elizxbeth stuff is on there. Just move stuff would be nice. Find it very interesting. The routes that you have to all jump through. Especially when the legal aspect comes into play and shouldn’t be this hard to deal with the law but it seems it is the way it has to work. All of you are doing a good thing she’s doing a great thing and it should be easier to get these people off the streets.