Touching on a subject I broached right at the end of Live Stream today. You guys likely have a fund that you are using, derived from your Stream Donations, however I feel it is likely only enough to help a minute amount of TRAPPED scammers as is viable!
I touched on a GoFundME that funneled into a trust, that People all over the World can donate to, enabling them to 1. Buy their information back of trapped scammers and in doing so 2. Be rewarded via that Trust Fund for the Information they provide to shut down their respective call centres and start them off on the right road so they aren't then forced to go back to scamming!
If we do this call centre by call centre can stand up from their computers in unison, allow the authorities to enter, take the information. Be arrested & interviewed and released with the addendum "provided information eligible to apply for set up funds" I am sure there would be a few more steps to the process but that would be up to the Person drafting that Process and the agreement of the Trust Holders!