If you are a fan and have decided to help waste scammer time, please remember a few things if you choose to do it! Proffessional Scambaiters understand the Deep Dark Web, know and fluently use HTML & CSS & any other number of Tech languages we don't understand. Have all the right protections in place, use PCs & Phones designed to do the job and it does that job alone. They keep their personal pcs & phones private. They have access to all the best equipment, spoofers etc.
If they call you go for it waste some time but do not download anything, keep in mind there is more than one way into your devices, that you are probably not aware of. Have a bit of fun on the phone, unless you have the right skill set and equipment to pull off what these guys are doing, for your own safety & the safety of every connection you have made on the internet!
Packages - Leave that to Proffessionals there are too many lawful ramifications there, call the Authorities yourself and explain your concerns or email these guys and tell them about it!
Be safe!
Red Rayne - Because you don't do THAT to the Children!