Hey Art and Ash, I thought it was mentioned there would be a video uploaded on Saturday Dec 10th. Did it not happen, did I hear wrong? I've been checking and as of yet I do not see anything. Talking about one where to come to the rescue of Art and Shawn. Keep up the great work,
Hey Josephine! Yeah it was mentioned in last Friday's live stream - but we had to make the tough decision to scrap that video. The video would have put us in a dangerous position legally speaking, unfortunately. But we've got more videos coming soon this month!
I presume that you would have to get a large amount of your videos legally checked to not only protect yourself but to maybe make sure nothing is posted that could adversely affect a police case? Like for example child predator cases in the sting house ?
The amount of planning that goes into these videos is almost mind boggling, in the first case you have to be careful not to offer anything as this can be seen as entrapment. So correspondence has to abide by that so they can't be aquitted on a technicality. This takes some careful planning for scripts to use that look innocent enough!
As there is no 13 year old actually involved, these cases won't reach the questioning the minor stage of the investigation, where leading questions can also lead to aquittal on technicalities. Not to mention the reaction and involvement of friends and family after the fact talking loosely around the victim and others also posing a threat to many cases!
I take this opportunity to advise that anyone dealing with a victim, needs to be mindful of conversations around the victim and to leave questioning and therapy to those trained correctly in questioning minors that are victims. That most cases friends and family present the opportunity for the technicality that affords the predator an aquittal!
In fact I firmly believe the Victim should be quarantined for a short time (couple of days depending on case), with supervised visitation by the Parents until the Victim is ready to tell their story!