A gripping ten-episode true crime documentary series that charts the unexpected rise of Trilogy Media from a relatively unknown production company to internet stardom. At the heart of this series is a single, serendipitous robocall that propels the team into the murky world of global scam operations. Through a blend of personal journey, investigative journalism, and daring confrontations, the series offers an unprecedented look into the scamming underworld, culminating in a daring expedition to India to face the scam masterminds.
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Unedited Scambait | Jason Conway Scammer
The complete and unedited scambait of scammer Jason Conway by Modder Paul Scambaits and Chappy Grey
Scam Victims Get Revenge on Romance S...
We’re traveling around the country to hunt a romance scammer, confront his cash mules, and return scammed money back to their rightful owners.
Cassie Noe vs World's Dumbest Scammer...
Nonsense scammers meet boisterous shenanigans from the Trilogy Media live stream vault.