Dexter debriefs the funeral sting house weekend in Gardena, California with stories, updates, YouTube drama, and reactions to the public reception.
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Uber Driver Shot and Killed During Sc...
In a devastating twist of fate, a simple phone scam spirals into a deadly confrontation in South Charleston, Ohio. In this gripping episode, Trilogy Media delves into the tragic story of 81-year-old William Brock and 61-year-old Uber driver Lo-Letha Hall, whose life was cut short by a scam that w...
Stupid Bullshit: YouTube Comment Cult...
Ashton rants about YouTube comment culture (part 1), in this inaugural episode of "Stupid Bullshit".
A Deep Dive on Online Crime (Dark Web)
Last time we ventured into the dark web, we thought we had seen it all. We were wrong. Join us, Art and Ashton from Trilogy Media, as we dive deeper into the dark web's hidden depths in this thrilling follow-up. Guided once again by the notorious hacker Ryan Montgomery, aka 0day, we uncover secre...